This is ME.


In 2015, I moved to Denver, Colorado and began studying at the University of Denver, pursuing my interests of Computer Science and Mathematics. Four years later, I graduated with dual Bachelor of Sciences (and a minor in Japanese) and began a career path of exploring these two fields. A few jobs and several projects later, I continue to learn about these fields - alongside new passions I've discovered through my work, such as design, content creation, and user experience. I believe that we as humans should be constantly and consistently striving to learn - to continue to grow as individuals and as a community, such that we can create amazing things and contribute towards the future.

Everything I create is subject to experimentation and change. Not everything I create will work, and most won't even see the light of day, but it's so, so worth trying.

The Backstory

Before traveling to Denver, I was born and raised in the Silicon Valley of California. Growing up, I always had an interest in the field of Mathematics - in a way, it seemed more like puzzle-solving rather than the dreaded bane of all children's school life. As I went on to high-school, I began to gravitate towards learning programming due to my love of video games, and l felt right at home with the way that creating code solutions was just like the "puzzle-solving" aspect of math I loved. Only now, there was no one-and-only correct path for the solution - depending on who you asked, a programming problem could be solved in infinitely many ways.

It was only once I entered the University of Denver that I began my interest in design. In the same vein as programming, I realized how much math lies in the field as well. Structures, ratios, typography, sound, color theory, and so many more examples show the powerful combination that is design and math. Again, however, there was no clearly correct solution to creating a piece of design content - no two designers will create the same piece of content.

Choosing to explore both programming and design pushed me towards where I am now - developing front-end content through coding and graphic design alongside an emphasis of user experience. I can't say I always new that this is what I wanted to do and that this is where I would end up, but I'm happy that I've reach the point I'm at. The space I'm in allows me to stretch my creative-focused, puzzle-solving mind, while working alonside so many talented and like-minded puzzle-solving individuals. There's an endless amount to learn and problems to solve, and I'm only getting started.

In My Personal Life

When I'm not doing web design or meeting with clients, I focus on my ever-growing passions that seem to somehow always empty my bank account.

As with every Denverite, I love going on hikes and camping out in the wonderful wilderness that Colorado has to offer. I've recently begun learning how to boulder and have been loving it so far. In the winter, I'll take trips to Keystone and spend some time skiing down the slopes (after eating a crêpe!). And of course, who doesn't love the occasionaly friendly game of Volleyball at Wash Park?

As for my inside-based activites, I've had a lifelong passion for video games and have spent way to many hours playing various RPGs. I am an avid collector of board games and I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons for over a decade now. I love all things sweet, which is reflected in how much time I spend baking. I've even recently begun learning the art of mixology (though I'd be lying if I said everything I've made so far has been a winner).

If I'm not in Denver, you'll find me traveling. I studied Japanese for over three years and have visited the various prefectures of Japan a few times now. Though I've seen a few other countries up close, much of the world map remains unexplored for me, which is something I'm hoping to fix over the coming years.

A few fun facts...

• I have a dog named Lily (she's very cute).

• The hardest bouldering route I've successfully completed was a V4.

• I've been the Dungeon Master for my group's Dungeons & Dragons game for over three years.

• My favorite movie is Interstellar and I've re-watched it over a dozen times.

• I was once the youngest person on Earth & I was Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 2006.

• I am addicted to making bread in my bread maker.

• I studied abroad in Akita, Japan for just over three months.

• I've never broken a bone.

Quote of the Moment

"I bought the world's worst thesaurus the other day. Not only was it terrible, it was terrible!"

- Unknown